Sunday, November 30, 2008
My EDM 310Blog Assignments are Complete
Farewell classmates. I hope you learned as much as I did in this class. I also hope you all feel the same since of accomplishment as I do for sticking in the class and completing it. I really wasn't looking forward to this class because of my lack of knowledge about computers, but I am so glad now that I did , because I truly am walking out with some new valuable skills.
Last Blog Assignment
This has been the best class for me. I enrolled in this class with minimum to no knowledge of computers and I am leaving this class with a great deal of technology information that I can apply to my teaching career. I have learned how to do things like hyperlink, create documents using Internet resources, insert pictures into documents, spreadsheets, and even create databases. I have also learned how to Blog and make Power points. Most importantly, I have learned how crucial technology is in educating our children. With all the skills I have learned in this class, I will feel confident in guiding my students through the world of technology. I can show them how technology is your freind and is a useful tool, just as this class has done for me.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Assignment 12
iTunes is now bringing education to students in way they are very familiar with, through their iPods. iTunes has created iTunes U which gives students access to things like their professors lectures and notes. Many universities are signing up for this, schools like Standford, MIT, and Duke University.
This a great way for students to keep up with their classes. They can listen to the lecture as many times as they need and not have to rely on notes that may be leaving important information out. It also comes in handy when a student might not make it to class. Most college kids these days have to work while attending school, this iTunes feature allows students the ability to study when they can, on a break or in the car while traveling to work.
The state of Michigan has even introduce this tool to their K - 12 schools. What a great way to motive students to learn. Bringing students education in a form that they are familiar with increases their chances of learning. iTunes U engages students to learn in way outside of the norm and that always gets the attention of a teenager.
This a great way for students to keep up with their classes. They can listen to the lecture as many times as they need and not have to rely on notes that may be leaving important information out. It also comes in handy when a student might not make it to class. Most college kids these days have to work while attending school, this iTunes feature allows students the ability to study when they can, on a break or in the car while traveling to work.
The state of Michigan has even introduce this tool to their K - 12 schools. What a great way to motive students to learn. Bringing students education in a form that they are familiar with increases their chances of learning. iTunes U engages students to learn in way outside of the norm and that always gets the attention of a teenager.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Assignment 11
Everyone has heard of an iPod, in fact, most people, of all ages, own one. They are a great way to listen to music anywhere and at anytime without all the bulk of a CD player, or for some who might remember, a boom box. Through the years, they are becoming affordable for everyone. For about the last four or five years though, iPods are being used for more than just a way to enjoy music. They are being used in the classroom, from K-12 to University classrooms.
Duke University was on the cutting edge of this trend. In 2004, they gave every incoming freshman an iPod. In 2006, they had 46 classes in the spring using iPods. The iPods are being used for things like lectures and assignments. This is a great way for students to study lecture material, being able to hear the lecture over as many times as one needs to until they understand the material. If a student missed a class, this is a great way to get the information they missed. Duke plans to expand on this by introducing classes that use the aide of digital audio and video.
IPods are not just being used on the University level though. They have benefited the K-12 classrooms as well. First graders are learning their reading words on iPods and kindergartners are learning their ABC's using ipods. Karen Thompson is using things like pod casts and audio files in her classroom. High school students are creating their own pod casts and keeping up with homework through the use of this handy tool. Many schools are finding grants to supply their students with this useful tool.
The iPod is allowing students to work at their own pace. Not all children learn to read at the same speed and with the aide of the iPod,now these students wont be left behind, they can learn a t their own speed. Some students need more time to cover material, they just don't retain all the information the first time. Again, the iPod can really help these students that otherwise just might not ever understand the lesson and ultimately not reach their greatest potential in school. The iPod is just another example of how technology is helping to advance our children's education.
Duke University was on the cutting edge of this trend. In 2004, they gave every incoming freshman an iPod. In 2006, they had 46 classes in the spring using iPods. The iPods are being used for things like lectures and assignments. This is a great way for students to study lecture material, being able to hear the lecture over as many times as one needs to until they understand the material. If a student missed a class, this is a great way to get the information they missed. Duke plans to expand on this by introducing classes that use the aide of digital audio and video.
IPods are not just being used on the University level though. They have benefited the K-12 classrooms as well. First graders are learning their reading words on iPods and kindergartners are learning their ABC's using ipods. Karen Thompson is using things like pod casts and audio files in her classroom. High school students are creating their own pod casts and keeping up with homework through the use of this handy tool. Many schools are finding grants to supply their students with this useful tool.
The iPod is allowing students to work at their own pace. Not all children learn to read at the same speed and with the aide of the iPod,now these students wont be left behind, they can learn a t their own speed. Some students need more time to cover material, they just don't retain all the information the first time. Again, the iPod can really help these students that otherwise just might not ever understand the lesson and ultimately not reach their greatest potential in school. The iPod is just another example of how technology is helping to advance our children's education.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Assignment 10
Dr.Alice Christie's web site was very informative. She definitely has the right point of view,integrating technology in today's classroom. Her website covers just about every aspect of intergrating technology into a classroom as possible. There were so many options available such as using a GPS system in the classroom, Internet safety, and available workshops, just to name a few. The one area I found that I thought would be most helpful to me in the classroom was the subject of web quest. I plan to teach middle school level science and find that creating a web quest would be a great way to combine science and the use of technology into a classroom.
Dr. Christie explains what web quest is first. It is basically a web based curriculum with assignments, tasks, Internet resources and printing resources, and gives students the opportunity to share what they have learned with other students. The students would be learning subject matter dealing with science and appling their computer skills and knowledge all at the same time. That is a win-win situation. From personal experience in a classroom and having two children of my own, I find children show much more interest and seem to keep interest in what they are learning if they are not just coping notes or listening to the same instructor everyday. Using the computer breaks up the boring routine for them and helps keep them motivated.
Dr.Christie's site has links to other sites on understanding web quest and how to create a web quest yourself. Her site also offers templates and rubrics and articles all about web quest. By exploring her site and the related links she provides, any teacher could create their own web quest for their classroom. This is definitely something I will use.
Dr. Christie explains what web quest is first. It is basically a web based curriculum with assignments, tasks, Internet resources and printing resources, and gives students the opportunity to share what they have learned with other students. The students would be learning subject matter dealing with science and appling their computer skills and knowledge all at the same time. That is a win-win situation. From personal experience in a classroom and having two children of my own, I find children show much more interest and seem to keep interest in what they are learning if they are not just coping notes or listening to the same instructor everyday. Using the computer breaks up the boring routine for them and helps keep them motivated.
Dr.Christie's site has links to other sites on understanding web quest and how to create a web quest yourself. Her site also offers templates and rubrics and articles all about web quest. By exploring her site and the related links she provides, any teacher could create their own web quest for their classroom. This is definitely something I will use.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Assignment 9
Wikipedia, probably the number one source used to find information about anything and everything, but can you really trust it? If you answer yes, Virgil Griffith might change your mind. The information provided by Wikipedia may be edited by anyone, even anonymously. This has huge impacts for it's readers and users. The information you are receiving may be manipulated or even deleted, to benefit those that the information is about. Politicians, Congress, even the CIA, have all been found guilty of editing information to benefit them. Wal Mart and a voting machine company, Diebold, have also been identified as doing this.
What does all this mean? It means the public is being deceived. It is hard to make judgement or form opinions about issues, politicians, or companies you might want to support or not support, if you a getting something other than the truthful facts. In essence, it is another way society is being manipulated into buying someone else's agenda.
I feel the fact that anyone can edit anything on Wikipedia, undermines their credibility hugely. I personally, will cross reference information from that source and not just take it at face value. Also, with the invention of tools like Wikipedia Scanner, that find the IP address of anyone making edits, it is possible to see if the information you are reading is genuine. I feel Wikipedia is still a good source of information, it just depends now, on what your looking up. If you are using Wikipedia to make decisions on who you are voting for or if you want to support a certain organization, I feel you should use more than one source and background check the information you are receiving.
What does all this mean? It means the public is being deceived. It is hard to make judgement or form opinions about issues, politicians, or companies you might want to support or not support, if you a getting something other than the truthful facts. In essence, it is another way society is being manipulated into buying someone else's agenda.
I feel the fact that anyone can edit anything on Wikipedia, undermines their credibility hugely. I personally, will cross reference information from that source and not just take it at face value. Also, with the invention of tools like Wikipedia Scanner, that find the IP address of anyone making edits, it is possible to see if the information you are reading is genuine. I feel Wikipedia is still a good source of information, it just depends now, on what your looking up. If you are using Wikipedia to make decisions on who you are voting for or if you want to support a certain organization, I feel you should use more than one source and background check the information you are receiving.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Assignment 8
I chose to read the August Best Blog of 2007, "Creating PersonalLearning Networks". This post discussed creating a learning network for the students, not the teachers. Using tools like iGoogle and Google reader, the students would find information about a subject of interest and blog about it. This helps the students become familiar with using the web as a tool to obtain information using more than one source. It also is designed to help them interact with others on the computer in an academic atmosphere. This daily exercise also helps with their writing skills and critical thinking ability.
I think this is a great idea. It is a refreshing way to have students gather information and write about it in there own words rather than sending them to the library to find information and write a paper. This exercise will help students see how easy it is to find information using the web and how to determine if a source is trustworthy and reliable. Doing this daily will help this become a standard way to find information and perhaps students will begin to practice this out of the classroom. Most teens spend many hours a day on the computer, but most of this time is spent on My space and Face book, this exercise will definitely expand their use of a computer.
I think this is a great idea. It is a refreshing way to have students gather information and write about it in there own words rather than sending them to the library to find information and write a paper. This exercise will help students see how easy it is to find information using the web and how to determine if a source is trustworthy and reliable. Doing this daily will help this become a standard way to find information and perhaps students will begin to practice this out of the classroom. Most teens spend many hours a day on the computer, but most of this time is spent on My space and Face book, this exercise will definitely expand their use of a computer.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Assignment 7
Karl Fisch is on the right path for us to have successful children in the future. In his post"Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher", he brings up a good point that there are a lot of Educators out there that do not keep up with the technology that's driving our world. Some teachers do not feel they need to be computer savvy and find it funny that they are so illiterate in this area. I personally have heard teachers laugh at the fact that their students know more about the Internet and computers than they do. As Karl Fisch asks, should teachers be held accountable for this type of ignorance? Of course they should.
In the 21st century, it is necessary to be competent in your computer and Internet skills to prepare students to enter the real world. Over the last 20 years, it is evident and obvious that our dependents on technology is only growing at an exponential rate. In order to give our future generation of adults a fair and even chance in society, we have to educate them using technology. We are cheating our kids if we do not do this.
So many teachers, especially teachers that have been teaching for over 10 years, have their daily class routine and see no reason to change it or to continue their own education. As an educator, if you don't keep up with the changes in society and adjust your teaching skills to fit that change, you are not doing your job; you are not teaching children for transfer. You are not preparing these children for the future ahead of them; I say future, it isn't really even the future, it is now because technology is here in a big way already. As a parent myself, I can tell you, I want my children to have a running start when they leave High School and if their teachers are not giving this to them, I want them to be held accountable for that.
In the 21st century, it is necessary to be competent in your computer and Internet skills to prepare students to enter the real world. Over the last 20 years, it is evident and obvious that our dependents on technology is only growing at an exponential rate. In order to give our future generation of adults a fair and even chance in society, we have to educate them using technology. We are cheating our kids if we do not do this.
So many teachers, especially teachers that have been teaching for over 10 years, have their daily class routine and see no reason to change it or to continue their own education. As an educator, if you don't keep up with the changes in society and adjust your teaching skills to fit that change, you are not doing your job; you are not teaching children for transfer. You are not preparing these children for the future ahead of them; I say future, it isn't really even the future, it is now because technology is here in a big way already. As a parent myself, I can tell you, I want my children to have a running start when they leave High School and if their teachers are not giving this to them, I want them to be held accountable for that.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Assignment 6
While searching for International school blogs, I came across the International School Island blog. This is a great blog. This blog had posts from many different students telling what they did on campus that day, expressing opinions about issues at their school, or just talking bout their likes and dislikes about things at this school. This blog also contains music links, traffic links, and a Google calendar of everything going on at International School Islander. Here's a link to their blog:
Another blog I found for International schools was Concordia International School Shanghai. This blog, unlike the first blog, seemed to be more for parents who are looking at International schools or for teachers looking for a career. This blog contained information about the school and the school credentials. It also listed staff openings. This blog seemed to have a different purpose than the first blog. Incase you might be looking for an International school to send your kids to, here is a link to it:
Another blog I found for International schools was Concordia International School Shanghai. This blog, unlike the first blog, seemed to be more for parents who are looking at International schools or for teachers looking for a career. This blog contained information about the school and the school credentials. It also listed staff openings. This blog seemed to have a different purpose than the first blog. Incase you might be looking for an International school to send your kids to, here is a link to it:
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
assignment 5
While searching the internet, I came across an eighth grade teacher's blog called Eight Grade Integrated Technology Classes.. On his site, he had each of his classes make their own blog. You could click on each class and see their diary of building a computer. They posted a blog each time they completed a new task in building their computers. I think this is a good blog because you could see the students really enjoyed making the blog by the creativity and time they put into their blogs. This also gave parents the opportunity to see what their children were doing at school. This a link to his blog:
I also came across another blog, Miller's English10 Classroom Blog. Mr. Miller uses his classroom blog in a different way than the first blog I saw. Mr.Miller's blog is used for instructions and assignments for his students. He also post current events and news for them. This is a great way for preparing high school students getting ready to enter college. There are not too many university level classes that do not require some type of online interaction these days. Also, just about every vocation or career will require these kids to be internet savvy, and they are well on their way to that. Here is a link to Mr. Miller's blog if you would like to check it out:

Friday, September 12, 2008
Week 4 Assignment
"Did You Know " is a powerful video. The facts and figures in this video are overwhelming and mind boggling. This video really sends a message about where the future of our children will go, which is beyond their community, beyond their country, it could even go beyond their own minds.
After watching this clip, I realized how important it is for everyone, but especially educators, to have computer skills beyond just PowerPoint presentations. In order to teach our children and have them advance in the world and contribute to the future, being connected is essential. The way in which we teach our children changes as our society changes. Our society is shifting to a high tech computer world and it is making this shift at a fast rate. Educators have to go with this shift and start now connecting our kids.
It is happening at this very moment, our society is becoming a global society, a virtual society, if you will. This means our classrooms must now go beyond the walls that define them. Our classrooms are only microcosms of the environment that surrounds them, So it is crucial that our teachers are aware in which direction our future is going. It would be wonderful if all educators watched this video.
After watching this clip, I realized how important it is for everyone, but especially educators, to have computer skills beyond just PowerPoint presentations. In order to teach our children and have them advance in the world and contribute to the future, being connected is essential. The way in which we teach our children changes as our society changes. Our society is shifting to a high tech computer world and it is making this shift at a fast rate. Educators have to go with this shift and start now connecting our kids.
It is happening at this very moment, our society is becoming a global society, a virtual society, if you will. This means our classrooms must now go beyond the walls that define them. Our classrooms are only microcosms of the environment that surrounds them, So it is crucial that our teachers are aware in which direction our future is going. It would be wonderful if all educators watched this video.
Friday, September 5, 2008
ACCESS, Expanded Learning Opportunities Through Technologies In Alabama, was created to help students and teachers broaden their education and knowledge through the Web. It is referred to as distant learning, where instructors and students are separated by space and time. ACCESS helps those who may not other wise have access to advanced placement classes or foreign languages. In many rural areas or low income schools many classes are not offered, leaving these students at a disadvantage. ACCESS helps bring quality education to everyone.
ACCESS offers courses in English, math, history, and science. Diploma courses and advanced placement courses as well as dual enrollment are also offered. Teachers too, have workshops and technology tools to enhance their instruction available to them. Students also benefit because they may retake classes and work at their own pace. And teachers have the ability to team teach and share techniques and ideas with other teachers not at their school. ACCESS is easy to use and offers quality instructions for everyone.
ACCESS offers courses in English, math, history, and science. Diploma courses and advanced placement courses as well as dual enrollment are also offered. Teachers too, have workshops and technology tools to enhance their instruction available to them. Students also benefit because they may retake classes and work at their own pace. And teachers have the ability to team teach and share techniques and ideas with other teachers not at their school. ACCESS is easy to use and offers quality instructions for everyone.
Friday, August 29, 2008
What is ALEX? ALEX, the Alabama Learning Exchange, is a wonderful tool for Educators, students, and parents. Using the ALEX website is a way to share information and educational materials. "Quality For Every Facet of Learning" is the motto and that is exactly what this website offers.
ALEX provides lesson plans in all curriculums that are connected to Course of Study Standards, workshops, and many website links. Teacher's resources are endless with this website. It is a great way for our educators to stay current and better their knowledge, making them better teachers to our children.
Students and parents also benefit from this website. ALEX has links to other sites such as, ACCESS, which is a distant learning plan. Students that do not have access to advance placement classes or foreign language, can take these classes online and receive credit for them.
Tools such as ALEX and ACCESS really take education to a new level. With this type of resource and accessibility, our educators will be better educators and our students have the opportunity to make the most of their high school education, really preparing them for their next step in life. Its an exciting time to be an educator, the whole world is at your finger tips and you now have the ability to bring into your classroom to share with your students.
ALEX provides lesson plans in all curriculums that are connected to Course of Study Standards, workshops, and many website links. Teacher's resources are endless with this website. It is a great way for our educators to stay current and better their knowledge, making them better teachers to our children.
Students and parents also benefit from this website. ALEX has links to other sites such as, ACCESS, which is a distant learning plan. Students that do not have access to advance placement classes or foreign language, can take these classes online and receive credit for them.
Tools such as ALEX and ACCESS really take education to a new level. With this type of resource and accessibility, our educators will be better educators and our students have the opportunity to make the most of their high school education, really preparing them for their next step in life. Its an exciting time to be an educator, the whole world is at your finger tips and you now have the ability to bring into your classroom to share with your students.
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Little Bit About Me
I am back in school, for the first time in many years, working on a secondary education/ science degree. On the days I don't have class, I substitute teach at the schools in my area. I live in Daphne, Al and commute to Mobile for most of my classes.
I chose to go back to school for education for a few reasons. One reason is because I will enjoy having the same schedule as my children. Being a teacher will give me the opputunity to have a career and still have great quality time with my kids. The other reason is because I feel education is so important. I would like to contribute to the foundation of our future, which is our children.
My biggest job though, is taking care of my two kids. I have a freshman in high school and one in second grade. They are both active in sports and the oldest one seems to have a very demanding social life. They both tend to keep me quite busy.
When I'm not in school or substitute teaching or running kids around, you can probably find me on the tennis courts. Tennis would certainly be my favorite past time. I play on a couple of league teams and a lot of the time just for fun. A few other things I enjoy are boating and just hanging out on the beach.
I chose to go back to school for education for a few reasons. One reason is because I will enjoy having the same schedule as my children. Being a teacher will give me the opputunity to have a career and still have great quality time with my kids. The other reason is because I feel education is so important. I would like to contribute to the foundation of our future, which is our children.
My biggest job though, is taking care of my two kids. I have a freshman in high school and one in second grade. They are both active in sports and the oldest one seems to have a very demanding social life. They both tend to keep me quite busy.
When I'm not in school or substitute teaching or running kids around, you can probably find me on the tennis courts. Tennis would certainly be my favorite past time. I play on a couple of league teams and a lot of the time just for fun. A few other things I enjoy are boating and just hanging out on the beach.
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