Friday, August 29, 2008


What is ALEX? ALEX, the Alabama Learning Exchange, is a wonderful tool for Educators, students, and parents. Using the ALEX website is a way to share information and educational materials. "Quality For Every Facet of Learning" is the motto and that is exactly what this website offers.

ALEX provides lesson plans in all curriculums that are connected to Course of Study Standards, workshops, and many website links. Teacher's resources are endless with this website. It is a great way for our educators to stay current and better their knowledge, making them better teachers to our children.

Students and parents also benefit from this website. ALEX has links to other sites such as, ACCESS, which is a distant learning plan. Students that do not have access to advance placement classes or foreign language, can take these classes online and receive credit for them.

Tools such as ALEX and ACCESS really take education to a new level. With this type of resource and accessibility, our educators will be better educators and our students have the opportunity to make the most of their high school education, really preparing them for their next step in life. Its an exciting time to be an educator, the whole world is at your finger tips and you now have the ability to bring into your classroom to share with your students.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Little Bit About Me

I am back in school, for the first time in many years, working on a secondary education/ science degree. On the days I don't have class, I substitute teach at the schools in my area. I live in Daphne, Al and commute to Mobile for most of my classes.

I chose to go back to school for education for a few reasons. One reason is because I will enjoy having the same schedule as my children. Being a teacher will give me the opputunity to have a career and still have great quality time with my kids. The other reason is because I feel education is so important. I would like to contribute to the foundation of our future, which is our children.

My biggest job though, is taking care of my two kids. I have a freshman in high school and one in second grade. They are both active in sports and the oldest one seems to have a very demanding social life. They both tend to keep me quite busy.

When I'm not in school or substitute teaching or running kids around, you can probably find me on the tennis courts. Tennis would certainly be my favorite past time. I play on a couple of league teams and a lot of the time just for fun. A few other things I enjoy are boating and just hanging out on the beach.